Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Social Media Marketing Strategy For A Business Company

Social Media Marketing According to Wikipedia, Social media marketing is a term which describes â€Å"the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites (Wikipedia).† This kind of promoting tactics are getting more and more popular and effective in this technology driven world, it is easier for a business company to determine where the potential customers are and easily to attract their eyes through social media and it saves more money compare to the traditional advertising methods. As the technology developed, social media are getting much more impressive to make people interact and chat with each other, and share information as well. For a business company, it is really important to have a business fan page to post all the updates online to those people who already subscribed or liked the page and those likers then could share it with their followers or friends by retweeting or reposting the posts and these could be a link to its new products, sales, etc. In this way, those posts will be really widespread so more and more people may start to subscribe the page and a business can sell the products to target audiences who haven’t become fans of a brand yet. As the likes and followings grow, the influence grows as well. It’s like a snowball effect for a business to attract new customers, media interviews and all kinds of other opportunities. Social media is a perfect platform for a business to not only introduces people to a brand but also keeps theirShow MoreRelatedHow Social Media Should Be Integrated into DATTA Inc.’s Marketing Plan1694 Words   |  7 Pageseffective marketing strategy is im portant requirement in order to saturate the market successfully. Social media is one of the many varieties of advertising outlets a company can use. A company needs to have a strong advertising plan in place, use a variety of outlets, and know when and where the media will run, otherwise known as the media mix (Cadotte, 2003 p.165). Social Media has grown as an outlet for marketing over the last few years and will continue to grow as the social media outlets growRead MoreSocial Media for Business Communication Essay1119 Words   |  5 PagesSocial Media for Business Communication Social media is pertinent in use of communication throughout today’s organizations. 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